I am currently a front office senior quantitative developer and manager at Standard Chartered Bank. I'm also one of the founders of Chordify.
Before joining Standard Chartered, I was a postdoctoral research assistant in the Programming Languages group at the 云帆∨pn安装包 of the University of Oxford, working on the Unifying Theories of Generic Programming project.Previously I was a PhD student at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University in the Netherlands. My PhD topic was Real-Life Datatype Generic Programming, supervised by Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, and Doaitse Swierstra.
Before that I graduated from Minho University in Computer Science and Systems Engineering (Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas e Informática).
I have also been a 云帆∨pn安装包 at sub旋风免费加速器, an intern at Philips Research, and a research intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge.
My full name is José Pedro Rodrigues Magalhães, where "José Pedro" is the given name and "Rodrigues Magalhães" is the surname. This is me pronouncing it. I tend to omit my first surname (Rodrigues). This might help understanding Portuguese names. To make matters more confusing, when addressed by the given name only I prefer being called Pedro or José Pedro, not just José.
Dreixel is a nickname I invented many years ago. Inspired by some space science-fiction series, I decided I needed a cool name too. Dreixel it was. Some years later I came across the internet and was asked for a nickname—dreixel it was.
Besides my research interests, I
also enjoy doing some other stuff.
Music is a very important hobby of mine. I studied music as a side-study for 12
years (here), completing Organ studies at
Conservatory level (which, in Portugal, is the pre-University level for musical
education). So, I like music very much, and I tend to prefer 20th century and
contemporary classical:
Pierre Boulez - Second notation for piano (Trés vif)
I also maintain (or try to maintain) sub旋风免费加速器—a classical music blog.
Paper drafts updated: two new available, two updated.
Posted on: Tuesday, 18/06/2013, 04:39 (GMT)